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Actualités connexes
BESTSELLER lance un concours de design pour les talents du monde entier
En 2025, le groupe de mode international BESTSELLER célèbre son 50ᵉ anniversaire. À cette occasion, l’entreprise organise un concours de design, invitant les étudiants et les jeunes talents du monde entier à créer une collection capsule inspirée de cinq décennies de création. Depuis sa fondation en 1975, BESTSELLER a accompagné l’évolution...
ModePartner Content20 févr. 2025
Explore a career in a global fashion company as an International Business Trainee
BESTSELLER’s International Business Trainee (IBT) Programme offers talents from all over the world a chance to learn and obtain first-hand insights into an international fashion company within different fields of interest. Explore BESTSELLER’s business and culture as an IBT in either Buying, Design, Retail Management, Sales Management, IT,...
BusinessPartner Content4 janv. 2023
From a BESTSELLER International Business Trainee to Sourcing Manager
Meet Varun, Sourcing Manager at VERO MODA. In 2012, he moved from India to Denmark to pursue his career within the fashion industry. He began as an International Business Trainee (IBT) in the buying team, today he is still with us and his career has progressed immensely. How did you first hear about BESTSELLER and why did you apply to become an...
ModePartner Content7 janv. 2021